WWDC 23 was our favourite ever yet

WWDC 23 was our favourite ever yet

Last year was our first WWDC. We had gone all-in on SwiftUI at this stage. Although there were plenty of additions and improvements to the framework, our iOS 16 update was underwhelming. It was a miss in one critical area. 12 months later, we’re pleased to predict our iOS 17 update will significantly level up our UX. The SwiftUI team have prioritised the backlog with meticulous craft and care: better performance, more custom animations, SwiftData and — YES! — improved access to ScrollView.

Based in Europe and with two young kids, keeping up with all the announcements, labs, sessions etc. is always a challenge. Last year, fear pushed me to collate all the questions + answers from the #swiftui Slack Digital Lounge. At the end, Apple responded to the feedback and thoughtfully kept them up for a reasonable time. This year, I set time aside on the weekend to simply catch up with all its activity. A few minutes later, I was gasping for breath out of Slack. So, I decided I need to get these answers out for everyone’s benefit.

I know we’ll be referencing the SwiftUI team’s answers till the next Dub Dub, and — based on feedback from last year — we expect many others to as well. A treasure chest of insight and tips awaits. Check it out — every question + answer in 2023’s #swiftui WWDC Digital Lounge organised for an easy read.

A big thank you to the SwiftUI team for being so kind and helpful with their time. As a small indie shop, we’ve never felt as confident as today that SwiftUI is our perfect fit.

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